Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Move

Part 1
Madison helping carry in boxes.

" Wow we have a lot of boxes"!!!!
(let me just say, by the end of this move no one.. ever... wanted to see another banana box again!!!!)
But Little do we know this is only the beginning.

Part 2 First Impressions So with almost all the boxes we need we must set out to find a house..... IN 3 DAYS!
We said our good-byes to our dog who did not understand why he could not go this time. (he was staying with Granny and Papa)

When we started out about 4:00 pm it was mostly sunny and seemed like blue skies all the way.
We were wrong!
Very Wrong!

We just kept on running into storm after storm.

But finally the sky cleared to reveal a beautiful sunset.

Mom drove most of the way because dad had just gotten off of work when we left. So dad got to sleep before his shift.
So while mom drove dad made some phone calls about some homes.
And just when it seemed like we would never get to our hotel...
We were there. YEEAAAHHH!!!!!!!
So after a good nights sleep we start our search .
At one house we looked at, there were bushes and bushes of blackberries.
"Ok"?! That is sort of neat.
We thought this was kind of funny, a house on top of the bridge. But not for rent.
It is so beautiful!!!!!

All that riding sure dose make a body tired.
There are so many scenic drives here. DAY 2
The airport.

We drove.....
Checked the map.....
and drove some more....
and check the map again.
So the next day......... DAY 3
It's definitely a beautiful place.
I think this town is a keeper, but unfortunately we did not find a house. So when we got home we just kept on praying and calling. The trip back to Jax took a little longer than we wanted it to.
We hit a lil traffic in Atlanta. So....................
We thought we would get a little shut-eye on the way home, because we have a long next 5 days.

The Move Part 3
The Last Day Home

And the day before the move, July 4th many people came to help us pack the u-hauls.
We had so much help. There was way more people than we expected, it was such a blessing.

And boys say girls talk a lot. PLEEEEASE!

Sitting down on the job.... huh!
"Who us"?

We even had a little music to liven things up a bit!

That is one tired lil work'n Man.
Maddy and Mia say good-bye.
Maddy and baby Joseph say good-bye.
Abby and Catherine's one last picture together

Mom and Mrs. Halton's final hug.


The Move Part 4
July 5th 2007 8:00 am

Our last glimpse of our beloved beaches and marshes.
Florida Behind Us
Good-bye Florida

And Tennessee here we come!
After a little while we stop to rest a second. But the u-hauls went on without us.

Then when we were on the road again, we got a call from dad saying the u-haul Mr. Gray was driving has a problem.

Mr.Gray came over and told us that YEAHA! U-HAUL 2 (which is his walky talky name )
had a flat!! So we wait for an hour.

But one good thing came out of all that waiting! The guy in the picture that is sitting, his car broke down on the over pass above us! He needed a phone to call a friend for help.

Mom and I stayed with Mr. Gray until the tire had been fixed and then we followed him all the way to our new home .

Yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!! We are getting closer!!!!!!!

Atlanta went pretty smooth!The first site of mountains !

When we got to our new home we had a lot of new friends to help us there too.

Mrs . Dru and Mr Sean aka The Gassner's
Oh my what a mess we are going to have to sort through!
Our new and fabulous neighbors the Ambrosetti's and the Gassner's were there to greet and help us too!
They worked......

And work.....

And worked till the last box was brought in, and then...... We sat down to the best bar-b-q sandwich we ever had. Thank you Mrs. Ambrosetti !

Home Sweet Home
Thanks to all of you who helped us with this move. Your hospitality and love will never be forgotten. Thank you.
The Scott Family

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